mail art - installation

Some impressions from the installed mail artworks at "Elektro Becker" (all photos: Stephanie Gerner). For the installation we used parts of the remained inventory of the shop. The visitors of the exhibition, especially the Lamspringer were very interested and touched by the submissions from all over the world and they took a lot of time to explore the beautiful artworks.

I am overgrateful about the wonderful artworks and want to thank the artists very much!

Following I am posting photos of the arrived mail artworks. Have fun!


Ssmidd (Germany)


Honoria (USA)


Marula di Como (Germany)


Anne Möllers (Germany)


Lutz Beeke (Germany)


Martin Bothe (Germany)


Hariadi Nugroho (Indonesia)


Astrid Jahns (Germany)


Joachim Buchholz (Germany)


Jessica E. Snoddy (Ireland)


Joachim Buchholz (Germany)



Helen Tak (Sweden) 

No. 39

Dorian Ribas Marinho (Brazil)

No. 38

Reitmeyer (USA) 

 No. 36 / No. 37

Svenja Wahl (Germany)

No. 35

Erja Laakkonen (Finland)


No. 34

Shannon Lee Mannion (Canada)

No. 33

Hanna Bayer (Germany)

No. 32

Miguel Jimenez (Spain)

No. 31

Miranda Visseks (Netherlands)


No. 30

Annette Behlau (Germany)

No. 29

Paulo Lionetti (Brasil)

No. 28

Jaromir Svozilik (Norway)

No. 27

Pedro Bericat (Spain)

No. 26

Marlene Gölz (Germany)

No. 25

Pietro Romano Mataresse (Italy)

No. 24

Ryosuke Cohen (Japan)


No. 23

Michael Wagner (Germany)

No. 22

Maks Dannecker (Germany)


No. 21

Atelier Almayor (Italy)

No. 20

Erin Ilis (Brazil)

No. 19

Erin Dooley (Wales)

No. 18

Bernhard Zilling (Germany)

No. 17

Schoko Casana Rosso (Germany)

No. 16

Imagine par b. (Brazil)

No. 15

Celestino Neto (Philippines)

No. 14

Dörthe Siemers-Wulff (Germany)

No. 13

Schoko Casana Rosso (Germany)

No. 12

Dórian Ribas Marinho (Brazil)

No. 11

Annelies den Besten (Netherlands)

No. 10

Sandra S. Schmidt (Germany)

No. 9

Susanne Schumacher (Germany)

No. 8

Lars Schumacher (Germany)

No. 7

Roland Halbritter (Germany)

No. 6

Wolfgang Kraus (Germany)

No. 5
Roland Halbritter (Germany)

No. 4

Horst Tress (Germany)

No. 3

Klaus Pinter (Austria)

No. 2

Ralf Leske (Germany)

THE FIRST ARTWORK! (My lovely mum used pinkish wrapping paper as a background :-) )

Jürgen Völkert-Marten (Germany)